Arrowhead 135, Jan 30th to Feb 1st 2023

This is a nearly 10,000-word race report, so if you don't feel inclined to read it all, there is just one main thing I would like you to know about this race: You can never, ever afford to forget about the ever-present threat of snowmobiles on this trail. However long it's been since you saw another human and however exhausted you may have become; if you can't see a bunch of trail ahead of you, you need to make every effort to anticipate a high-speed vehicle suddenly appearing and KEEP TO THE RIGHT. This is a dangerous, dangerous trail... However chill it may seem for hours and hours on end. Take care out there. Live to suffer another day! Alright, then... On with the race report ^_^ I couldn't really call the Arrowhead "tough," per se. That wouldn't seem fair. It was more "very flippin' tough." Which is what I signed up for and endeavoured to remain grateful to receive during my time out on the trail. ...